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Movement Break

Learn how to incorporate movement within your workday or as a study break!

This session will get you up and moving, practicing exercises that can be done at home, in the office, in a classroom, or study room. Demonstrated by Lori Sherlock, an expert in exercise physiology, with participation from the attendees requested. Lori credits passion and flexibility with helping her to successfully find her path, a piece of advice she passes on to students, staff, and the wider community. Read more about the instructor.

Lori Sherlock Profile Picture

Lori Sherlock

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR & AQUATIC THERAPY COORDINATOR, Human Performance - Exercise Physiology, School of Medicine

Lori is chair of the Aquatic Exercise Association’s research committee, AEA trainer and recipient of the 2015 AEA Global Aquatic Fitness Professional award. As a collegiate rower, 2014 Top 25 USA triathlete and four-time competitor of the Ironman world event, Lori truly understands the specific demands and intricacies of performance training.

  • AEA & Arthritis Foundation Instructor Trainer
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
  • AquaStretch Foundations College Instructor
  • Aquatic Therapy & Rehabilitation Institute
  • NSPF Certified Pool Operator Instructor Trainer
  • Lifeguard, CPR & First Aid Instructor Trainer